Saturday, August 26, 2006


I haven't had a driver's license for over ten years...By choice.
I had my driver's license suspended for 1 year for refusing to take a breathalyzer test.I wasn't drunk.I hadn't been drinking.I passed the roadside test.
In Colorado,and probably most states,a police officer can pull you over and demand a breath/blood alcohol test,and deny you legal counsel under threat of losing your license if you refuse to comply.


Nevermind that you can be forced to incriminate yourself,how do I know they aren't randomly searching for suitable organ donor's for some fat-ass politician?...Maybe I'm a perfect match for some Bazillionaire industrial mogul,and end up being spirited away in the middle of the night by his henchmen to undergo "harvesting" against any future organic dellimas he might suffer!..Could happen.

I took it to trial,refusing to "take a deal",and was found NOT GUILTY of drunk driving by a jury of my peers..Still,they wouldn't reinstate my license for a year."Driving is a privelege"..So they can use it to intimidate,and coerce people into accepting abuses of our civil rights..I simply find this unacceptable.

So even though I can get a driver's license by paying a small reinstatement fee,and taking the driver's test,they can kiss my ass.

NOW what'cha gonna take?...punks.

I get everywhere I need to go on ol' blue.In most cases,faster than if I drove a car.It's my way of taking away their hammer...A minor rebellion.


At 6:17 PM , Blogger Citymouse said...

Another reason I admire you sling.

At 9:40 PM , Blogger Allan said...

That's crazy...not your rebellion, the laws, I mean. Nice job dealing with it.Good excercise too!

At 10:12 PM , Blogger Cassandra said...

But you can't drive The Probe!

At 10:22 PM , Blogger Grish said...

Really environment friendly as well. Good job buddy!

At 10:22 PM , Blogger Grish said...

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At 10:27 AM , Blogger Sling said...

Lol..I wouldn't recommend it for everyone.It works okay for me,but I'm stubborn that way.

At 4:11 PM , Blogger Lorraine said...

I didn't get a license until I was 40. Because I didn't need one. Wasn't until The Child started school that it became important.

But you go with that minor rebellion thing. Stick it to the man.

(Although I do wish you'd wear a helmet to protect that clever & rebellious head of yours).

At 8:17 PM , Blogger yellowdoggranny said...

I think that makes perfect sense...I would ride a bike, but my ass is so big it looks like my ass has swallowed the I putt putt in my little white mazda truck...i can drive 2-3 months on a tank of gas, if i stay right here in town...


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