Sunday, August 13, 2006


..would fill the Library of Congress,so I won't try to enumerate them all here.

I hate not knowing the answer to a question.More than that,I hate not being able to find the answer on my own.I'm really quite obsessive about it,scouring the library or the Internet until I come up with everything you ever wanted to know about "How birdseed is made",or whatever.(They LOOK like marijuana seeds after all)...Anyway..

Recently,a question has come up that is driving me straight to distraction.I can't eat.I can't sleep.People keep asking me why I have that blank stare on my face.

What the HELL is an "Emo?"..Everywhere I look it's "Emo this",or "Emo that",and I can't decipher the meaning because it always seems to be used in a different context.I thought briefly about asking one of the kids in the neighborhood,but I just KNEW they would point at me laughing and say,"YOU ARE!".Children can be so cruel.So I figured it would be easier on my self-esteem if I posed the question here,in the sure and certain knowledge that everyone knows but me,and the answer will be so simple that,while I'll still look like a tragic fool,my readers are thoroughly accustomed to that.

EDIT:A profound "Thank you" goes out to pat for "Bowfin"...Is that a relative of the Tuna?....shit.


At 1:06 PM , Blogger yellowdoggranny said...

EMO???? hell i havent even figured out what emme is...fuckity fuck fuck fuck

At 1:20 PM , Blogger Sling said...

Yellowdog G.-"emme?"...yer killin' me.

At 3:29 PM , Blogger Grish said...

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At 3:31 PM , Blogger Grish said...

I typed Emo into Wikipedia that's what came back. I have no idea what I'd do without my online encyclopedia's and dictionaries to tell me what people are talking about. lol

At 3:45 PM , Blogger Sling said...

grish-An Irish oil company!..That makes perfect sense.

At 5:28 PM , Blogger apositivepessimist said...

can’t help you there Sling...I did ask another blogger who claimed to be an “emo” once, I didn’t quite understand her reply...guess it was an “emo” reply.

At 8:11 PM , Blogger Cassandra said...

I could make up some rather sick and disturbing things from EMO.
enema mega operation
eat me... fill in blank
But I think my favorite would be: enlightened machine operator
Should I continue? Nah... I'll let you be creative!

At 9:25 PM , Blogger barista brat said...

hey sling - i was going to give you my definiton of emo, but figured it would make more sense to you if i just copied it from

here it is:

Emo is:

-A label for emotional people
-A subgenre of rock
-A style of clothing

Emo is NOT:
-a mix of the above

The Label:
Emo is used to describe very emotional kids. They tend to cry a lot, and fall in love easily.

The Music:
The melodic sounds of emo originiated from punk, except the lyrics are... well... emotional, and tend to dwell on feelings and relationships. Some genres of emo are:

~Post emo indie
~Emo hardcore

Some emo bands don't have band shirts or anything to promote the band and thus die out quickly. sometimes, they don't even put track labels on their CD's.

The Style:
-Studded belts
-Tight girl pants (boys and girls)
-Band T-shirts

Girls: Swept in the front, a dark or red color. sometimes highlighted or has chunks in it
Boys: Swept in the front, spiked in the back, a dark or red color. sometimes highlighted or has chunks in it.

They usually tend to cut it themselves.

At 6:15 AM , Blogger Sling said...

LOL-Like leo,I figured it was some bizarre animated character.Turns out we weren't TOO far off.
Thanx to grish and B.Brat,we can all go back to being extremely "Hip"..

At 12:25 PM , Blogger Allan said...

This one is touchy for me...

One of my all-time best virtual friends is Emo- I mean that's her name, not what she is- and she's awesome. I have only good things to say about her.

I am a huge Brian Emo fan,, Eno, I mean.

I don't really know what the 'emo ' culture/movement is though, but if it's been defined in dictionaries, then it's a safe bet that it's dead- except as a merchandising aid.

From BB's definition:

"Some emo bands don't have band shirts or anything to promote the band and thus die out quickly. sometimes, they don't even put track labels on their CD's."

Addition from me:
This just sounds like any number of lazy-ass bands I have to deal with at the station and at shows.
Some [all genres] bands do not actually rehearse , perform or even exist. They have t-shirts, myspace blogs,posters and track labels on their (blank) CD's. They have everything but's bizarre.
I recorded a 'pre-Emo' band once and I had to play guitar, bass and frickin' drums...all they had was a synth and a hot-looking chick who couldn't sing without a huuuggee amount of reverb...aaaggghh!
I'm not was like 'ghost-writing' an entire demo tape.

At 5:54 PM , Blogger Lorraine said...

You're in luck. I have teenage neices (one of whom admits that she is always "crushing out on emo boys"). Emo, short for emotional. The attending fashion statement is predicated on long, floppy hair and a goth vibe. Molly describes the music as "oh woe is me, everything is horrible, I love you but everything is still really horrible".

At 8:33 PM , Blogger Sling said...

allan-lol...Only without the groupies.

lorraine-Oh yeah,like Don Mclean with attitude.


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