The Lott Home in Sank Park
Just around the corner,about a five minute walk,sets the historic Lott home.
Built in the 1880's,and open to the public year round,I found myself in the fortunate circumstance of being the only one there this fine Saturday morning.

Labels: O-Town
Don'cha love having a place like that all to yourself? Makes it seem so magical and timeless. And I'd walk down that aisle m'self if I had my druthers. Alas, I am fresh out of druthers.
Thanks for sharing -- I like the fan and the light, especially. I'm really liking seeing pics out of people's lives and environments. Gives me a visual into these people I know but don't know. You know? Then again, I have been, um, obsessing a bit when it comes to anything photographical...
How beautiful! I love old houses, and that's a wonderful example.
You are surely putting your new toy to good use. The photos are so clear!
Have a great weekend, my dear
Hat- There's usually some kind of function going on there,so I was surprised to find it empty.
I'll try to take the tour of the actual home,and post some pix.
M.Cowbell- I like seeing other people's pix as well...and I know you're still upset a little about your camera.I know I would be.
serena joy- There are a lot of beautiful Victorians here in O-Town.
Maybe I'll do a full spread sometime.
danielle-Thanx doll!..I'm still figuring out all the settings and stuff.
You have a great weekend! :)
so beautiful...we have a gazebo like that on the lawn of our city hall..cept a little bigger..(it is Texas after all)..people get married there too..sigh..I miss west...
great pictures. it looks like you made an excellent choice with the new camera.
is it easy to use?
is the user manual less than 100 pages?
Those are super pretty pictures, Sling. So just who exactly were the Lotts? Not that it takes anything away from your pretty piccies, I just like knowing stuff about people who have gazebos.
Yellowdog-Oh,I don't know if your gazebo is bigger..I took this pic from 300 yards,..without zoom. ;)
Rube-Like most suff these days,it really is user friendly.
I don't get into user manuals much.I like to just start pressing buttons to see what they do.You know, with power tools.
lorraine-The Honorable Mr. Lott was a Judge here in O-Town during the gold mining days.I honestly don't know much more than that.
The property takes up an entire block at the east end of town.
It may seem odd to mention,but I've noted that,even though the gates are always open,there is never any kind of vandalism or misbehavior on the grounds.
Wonderful photos my friend. It's wonderful to "own" a place like this, when no one else is around.
Great feeling.
They look like stills from a Disney flick! I like those. You can almost skip the movie because the pictures are so evocative.
you're right! when i got married in o-town that is EXACTLY where i took my vows. so pretty.
Nice! And I see you are enjoying the heck out of the new camera - a bonus for us.
Only one there, huh? Is that ceiling fan in your living room yet?
What a beautiful old home.
Just recently I took a walk around the LFB’s Uncles town…just a few streets of it…hopefully I didn’t make any home owners think I was casing their joints when I stood outside looking at the beauty of their houses.
So beautiful and gracious...we have forgotten more about making buildings beautiful than we ever knew.
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