Thursday, May 28, 2009

Look What Followed Me Home!..

Numbered among the myriad and solemn duties we employees of the International Bureau of Housing Authority and Sprinkler Repair Shop are required to perform,is the task of cleaning out the storage sheds of our housing units,once the occupants have moved on to bigger and better things.
(..left town in the middle of the night).

You'd be amazed at the various assorted and sundry things people will leave behind,when motivated to beat a hasty exodus under pressure of numerous requests to 'Pay or Quit'..

Furniture,appliances,tools and electronics,..most of which are in perfectly serviceable condition.
Oh,..I know what you're thinking,..but under no circumstances are we allowed to keep any of these discarded treasures.
Every abandoned item must be properly loaded up,and taken post-haste to the county landfill.
It's a rule...

*In An Entirely Unrelated To What I Was Just Talkin' About Matter*

Check out the new bike I just got!..

She's all shiny,and rides like a dream!
..I'm naming her 'Calypso'.


At 5:00 PM , Blogger billy pilgrim said...

she's a beauty.

and she has raised handle bars for the more mature rider that might have a sore back.

At 5:03 PM , Blogger booda baby said...

Sweeeeet. Did it bat its big ol' eyes and beg you to let it stay? I like bikes like that, the ones that reallllllly want a home.

What kind of rule IS that, that no 'inheriting abandoned stuff'? Bad form in this day and this age.

At 5:51 PM , Blogger sageweb said...

That there is a beauty!!! Lovely find.

At 6:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if she followed you home, you have to keep her. It's a rule.

At 6:22 PM , Blogger Jan said...

Very cool bike. At the risk of asking a stupid question is there a logical reason for filling landfills and not Goodwill or something?

At 7:12 PM , Blogger Sling said...

Billy P.- Exactly!..Dude,those raised handlebars are like heaven on a cloud.

Booda Babe- First thing I thought at that initial spark of mutual attraction was,'Pherenomes!'.
I'm pretty sure I have legal precedent for keeping her on my side,what with the landmark 'Finders keepers,loosers weepers',Supreme Court decision of 1932.

Sage- Plus!..She's low maintenance.

Citizen- The logic is inescapable.

Jan- That's not a stupid question,it's the number one rational thinker's question.
Did you know that the landfill has specific areas to discard perfectly functional computer monitors?..for proper destruction.
A few weeks ago,we dumped a box of children's clothing,with the purchase tags still on them!.(the resident was a grandfather that had passed over the weekend)..
I don't take any pleasure from this,but I can't very well carry all this stuff home on my back.
Suffice to say,it's a rule that none of us take all that seriously.

At 8:37 PM , Blogger Random Thinker said...

Almost like she was just sitting there (wherever that was you found her) waiting for you.

At 8:43 PM , Blogger Sling said...

Thinker- It's Kharma!..It's Kismet!!
And several other 'K' words that I can't think of right now.

At 8:50 PM , Blogger yellowdoggranny said...

better keep an eye out for billy, he'll be down there snatching your ride..

At 9:06 PM , Blogger Sling said...

Yellerdawg- Better keep an eye on Billy..He'll be down there riding your sna..Oops! :O

At 6:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't you have a nice bike stolen recently? This is just the universe righting a wrong.

At 10:15 AM , Blogger Sling said...

JP- I think you may have something there!
Hey!..Maybe it's Rush Limbaugh's bike!
That would be sweet.

At 10:20 AM , Blogger Mom said...

Sweet ride. Good price.

At 12:29 PM , Blogger Sling said...

Mom- Yeppers!..Sometimes,the Lord kicks down a few perks. :)

At 12:29 PM , Blogger Doralong said...

Pfft.. Taking and leaving are two entirely different things...

At 12:31 PM , Blogger Doralong said...

PS- Perhaps you can suggest a "take or leave" shed for your landfill- it's freecycling without the annoying phone calls! It's insane the things I've seen at ours!

At 12:47 PM , Blogger Sling said...

Doralong- That's a great idea!..
I've never understood why anyone thinks it makes sense to turn perfectly good stuff into instant garbage.

At 8:25 AM , Blogger John said...

Imagine the good things that could be done if the abandoned items were gathered and sold or auctioned off. But free is good too. But throwing this stuff away is just dumb. There's government for you.

At 9:30 AM , Blogger Sling said...

John- It's not just dumb,it's downright painful!
Growing up,I suffered countless 'When I was growing up during the Great Depression' speeches from my dad.
As much as that annoyed me at the time,it quite naturally stuck.
'Waste not,want not',and all that.

At 4:05 PM , Blogger Miss Healthypants said...

Freakin' sweet, dude! :)

At 6:18 PM , Blogger more cowbell said...

"Aye, Calypso, the places you've been to, The places you've shown us, the stories you tell! Aye, Calypso, I sing to your spirit, the men who have served you so long and so well."

Courtesy of my man, John Denver. I'm sure of the lyrics because my co-worker plays that and tracks from Mama Mia all friggin' day long.

The Bohemian has had 2 bikes stolen in DC. The first was named Trigger. The second, Spirit the Unicorn. The third and current ride, a hand-me-down from her piano professor, a bit less resplendent with "Arnold".

May you ride the wind with Calypso, the wind in your hair, and your pants leg free of the chain.

At 10:53 PM , Blogger Sling said...

Miss HP- Much sweeter than my other bike,which is now in retirement.

Cowbelle- There's a special place in Hell for bicycle thieves,where every direction is uphill,and drunk drivers have the right of way.
..Nice rendition of 'Calypso' by the way. :)

At 9:32 PM , Blogger Middle Child said...

So if they go to landfill, can they be accessed then... like scavengering...who made up that stupid rule that it all has to be trashed? I love th bike and those high handle bars would be excellent for those of us of a certain vintage...

At 1:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

廣告設計 , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , seo , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化 , 網站排名優化


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