And so,it's off to the big city!

Lizzard King,Little Newt,Erin,and I will be heading out 'afore sunrise to make the eight hour trek to Darling Daughter's abode,at the very fringes of Sling's Domain.
(Which stretches roughly from wherever I'm at,to the last chance to buy liquor before bedtime).
I've hired the house sitters...

Taken a shower..

And set the alarm on my nightstand for 4:00 AM.

Anyone need to go potty before we hit the road?

..Fine then.

Labels: Road trip...
Are you washing a CAT? Did you drug it or something?
Ha ha very cute pictures. Poor kitties will miss you.
i have to give annie a bath about once a week and i'd rather stick my head in a lions mouth..for a crippled ole cat, she's fecking vicious..
have a great time and drive careful.
Have a wonderful vacation and drive safe. And I'm sure the cats have everything under control - muttering several Hail Marys under his breath!
I just got an invitation to a party at your house.... odd, since you won't be there. And it's signed, "meow."
Bad Alice- Ha!..Bailey is an especially docile breed of cat called a 'Ragdoll'.
Baths aren't his favorite thing,but he takes them without too much fuss.
Sage- They'll be too busy babysitting Mom-O to miss me.
Yellerdawg- Bailey gets his about once a month.
I don't do it by the way,Mom-O does.
Willym- We'll be gone about 3 days.
I think the cats will probably sleep through most of it.
JP- Are you sure?
Because they specifically promised there would be no cattin' around.
Sling - you know your domain has no bounds. You prove that time and time again.
are you going to stop at walley world?
Traveling mercies to you my friend.
Have a great Vacation and by the way JP was I in charge of the keg or was that you?
Oh and you guys be careful of those Big City women!!! There's only one thing they're after - bless them!
Thinker- I didn't wanna brag,but the world is indeed,my oyster. ;)
Billy P.- Too expensive..This will be more like the Addams Family Vacation.
Mom- Thanks doll!
Grish- We don't let JP be in charge of the keg,ever since that bizarre incident with the Feldstein triplets over at 'Here's the 80's'..
Willym- Tupperware?
Secret Agent Woman- Merci! :)
Okay, you're on the road or already there, but you've got to get home, don't you? Of course you do. I might not be able to blog or barely visit any, but I know how to make time for traveling pals. Can't you/can you go up the 101 home? (Or is it the 5 all the way?)
I'm sure you'll be basking in the family reunion glow, but if there's ANY way we can make a quick meetup happen, that will be SOOOOOO fun!!!!
Cats are freaky sometimes...I have one sitting on my phone right next to the keyboard...what she is planning next is anybody's guess? Have a great trip and enjoy okay Sling
Booda Babe- Hi doll!..Yep,we are taking the 5 home.
Lizzard King is already getting ready to plan more frequent trips however,so I'll be keeping visits with you and Sage in mind. :)
Middle Child- She is planning evil,of course.
We are just now getting ready to head home after a most satisfying visit!
Oh, sling, catching up on blogs is always the best at your place.....what a beautiful family. Have a great great time. Good choices for house sitters and alarm clocks.
Sling... have a great time, sweetie...
Rosie- I just got back home,and had a wonderful time indeed! :)
The house sitters did a fine job in my absence,but I forgot to wind the alarm..
austexgrl- Of all the bosoms I have ever loved,the bosom of my family is the best! ;)
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