So,I'm watchin' the news.
I know,I know,..Lord he'p me,I was too lazy to change the channel.
In any case,..Young Ashley of the blond persuasion informs me that a new crop of freshmen are crowding the hallowed halls of our local State College,in an effort to purchase this
semesters required reading!
Average cost: $800.00..
Eight hundred fucking dollars for books?..For a FUCKING semester??..
Here's where my ignorance of the educational system knows no bounds.
I never went through the whole formal rigmarole of attending classes and such after the 10th grade,so I don't have a real grasp of what it takes to provide quality reading material to THE FUCKING FUTURE MINDS of our nation.
I mean,..I mean...HOLY FLYING FUCK!..It's 600-1200 sheets of goddamm RECYCLED paper,individually wrapped in FUCKING CARDBOARD binders!..Right?
You know,..books.
Books that should be available at your local library,..for free.
Books that should be available at cost,just to make sure everyone gets reimbursed for the effort put into their manufacture..
OH!,..and we get to educate our children as kind of an ADDED FUCKING BONUS!!
(deep breath)..
The good news is,the students might well recover 50% of the initial cost by re-selling these FUCKING RARE AND ELUSIVE BASTIONS OF KNOWLEDGE back to the issuing entity,at the end of the term.
I'm guessin' the average lifetime reimbursement for a FUCKING BOOK!,..amounts to somewhere in the neighborhood of A BAZILLION FUCKING DOLLARS!!..
Did I mention that they are books?..
If Gutenberg were alive today,he'd turn over in his motherfucking grave.
Granted,there is no real substitute for the printed word.
Turning the dog-eared pages of a well read tome,and gleaning those bits of inspiration from the hastily scribbled notes in the yellowed margins is,..well,..priceless.
..even I understand that.
And I also understand this!!..
I have the entire Bible on CD,along with commentary,and references.
..It cost me $3.98,..plucked from the bargain bin at Wal-Mart.
My point is, fucking point is,..that it might behoove us to put all these precious bits of esoterica on,..I don't know,..FUCKING CD'S!!
That way,the eager and thirsty minds of they that might very well set the course of the next FUCKING GENERATION,might have easier access to the tools they'll need to guide us into the future..
Maybe they could spend the initial eight hundred smacks on a typical laptop,and throw another FORTY FUCKING DOLLARS at the software it takes to navigate the precarious seas of modern academia.
A blank CD costs about a buck.
It takes some fifteen minutes to copy a gig of information.
I didn't graduate from high school,..but I can do the math.
Labels: Drunken blogging..Is it slow and stupid in here, or is it just me?