'There be three things which are too wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not:
The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid'.Proverbs 30:18-19..But I do know this!..
I have been tagged by the gracile and gracious
Doralong to reveal 4 facts about myself,in a number of categories,which the Department of Homeland Security probably already has in my dossier anyway.
Four Jobs I have had in my life:
1)Recovery and Evacuation Specialist (pulling M60 tanks out of the mud).
2)Carpet Layer
4)Drug Dealer.
Four Movies I would watch/have watched over and over:
1)The Ten Commandments
2)Apollo 13
3)A Fish Called Wanda
4)Turk 182...apparently,I have a thing for movies with numbers in the title.
Four Places I have lived:
1)Redondo Beach,Ca.
2)Junction City,Ks.
Four people I want to bitch-slap right into the middle of next week!:
1)Dr. Phil
2)Rush Limbaugh
3)The idiot over at The Discovery Channel that decided we need 3 different shows in which psycho-pyro-technicians blow shit up!..As if there is some academic enlightenment to be had from watching a cadre of giddy morons shoving a pound of C-4 up a motor home's ass,and pushing a button.
4)..and then I'd like to wait patiently for the middle of next week to arrive,and slap Dr. Phil again.
Four people that E-mail me regularly:
Yellowdog Granny e-mails me regularly,and
lorraine and
Hat correspond from time to time.
PLUS!..I get comment updates from several of my blog buddies.
Four places I have visited:
4)Vancouver,British Columbia
Four TV Shows that I watch:
2)Deal or no Deal
3)Whatever is on The History Channel from Saturday morning,'till Sunday eve.
4)Re-runs of The West Wing.
Four favorite foods:
1)Cheese..any kind
5)Fried Chicken
6)Frosted Flakes
7)Jelly Beans
8)Sweet 'n Sour Pork
10)Chili Dogs
11)Anything with the prefix,'Gummi'..
Four places I'd like to be right now:
1)The Black Forest,Germany
2)The Grand Mesa,Colorado
3)Fogerty's Pub on the night of June 23rd,1989
4)Costa Rica.
Four things I'm looking forward to this year:
1)Meeting some dear friends for the first time
2)My annual raise
4)Turning 55,so I can
finally get the senior citizen discount!
I would,at this point,tag four unsuspecting Bloglodites.
But last time I did that,I very nearly had to summon the O-Town Constabulary to quell the uprising.
Have a great week kids!